
New York Social Security Disability Attorney
At many disability advocates’ offices, claims are handled by a claimant’s representative, not an attorney. In fact, in some practices, you won’t see an attorney until the day of your hearing; in others, your hearing may be handled by a non-attorney representative and you might never even meet an attorney at all!
At Hermann Law Group, we are not just attorneys; we are skilled litigators. When we prepare your claim, we know what the Social Security Administration’s analysts and judges are looking for, and we know how to present your claim in the strongest possible light. We are so confident in our abilities that in Social Security Disability cases, we will not charge you a fee unless we win your case. If you are looking for a New York Social Security Disability attorney, call us at 877-773-3030.
Our extensive experience with the system and our well-developed relationships with the personnel at many of the Social Security offices enable us to navigate the claims process efficiently and effectively. We have been practicing disability law in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut for nearly three decades, and we have developed the highest reputation among the people who will decide your Social Security Disability claim.
Because we are so well respected, claims for the individuals we represent are given the proper attention and consideration by the staff, attorneys, and judges who handle and decide cases. In fact, our support staff includes some who have spent years working for the Social Security Administration and their connections at the offices and understanding of how claims are handled are great assets to us.
Our extensive experience with the medical aspects of Social Security Disability claims plus the work we have done at the Federal Court level carries over to our evaluation and advocacy of Long Term Disability (LTD) claims. In addition to his experience with disability claims, Lew Insler spent over 20 years litigating Workers’ Compensation claims, and he has vast experience dealing with the adversarial insurance carriers who sit on the other side of the table in LTD cases.
Year after year, we are proud to maintain a success rate of over 85% of all the Social Security cases we handle.
- Experience and Success
- Compassion and Caring
- What Our Clients Say
- Success Stories
- 11 Ways Hermann Law Group, PLLC Will Help You Win Your Social Security Disability Claim
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