Ten Years Later: Reflections on 9-11


September 11, 2011: I had a hard time watching the reading of the names of the dead this morning. Whatever you might think about how our country has responded to the events ten years ago, our thoughts are with the innocent people who died due to the cowardly acts of terrorism perpetrated on September 11, [...]

Ten Years Later: Reflections on 9-112008-09-30T15:45:29+00:00

Sometimes Even a Disability Lawyer Needs a Reminder to Check His Disability Insurance Coverage


One of the hardest things for anyone to do is to really see things from someone else's perspective. As a lawyer I can tell you that sometimes things seem so obvious to us that we can't imagine why our client or potential client, or even our adversary, doesn't see it or didn't do it. In [...]

Sometimes Even a Disability Lawyer Needs a Reminder to Check His Disability Insurance Coverage2008-08-05T10:24:53+00:00
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