Those who have filed a claim for disability benefits have most likely learned something about the process that they didn’t know before.
- Denials are far more common than the award of benefits.
- Following the often complicated procedure is essential if your appeal is to be successful.
Understanding the disability hearing process can help you avoid critical mistakes.
Be Patient
Like every other phase of disability, there is typically a long wait until you learn the results of your hearing. The national average is more than one year from the time you request a hearing until the judge’s decision reaches you. The specifics in your case can decrease or increase that timeline, and in some instances, the judge will issue a bench decision at your hearing. Most often that doesn’t happen, and the wait between hearing day and decision is usually two or three months.
Notification of Hearing
When your case is ready to hear, the judge’s assistant will contact your attorney and confirm that he or she has that date available. Your counsel will then contact you and inform you of the schedule. Should you receive a Notice of Hearing directly from the judge’s office indicating the hearing date, get in touch with your lawyer immediately.
Receipt of Award
If you prevail, your wait is not over; it takes additional time for benefits to begin. From the time of the decision, it may take two or three months to get your first check. Additionally, many claimants who prevail at the disability hearing are also awarded back benefits that may take longer to receive. It is not unusual to have to wait five or six months for these.
Contact a Hyde Park Social Security Disability Attorney for Legal Advice
Too many claimants are deterred by a denial and fail to appeal. Don’t make that mistake. For any questions or concerns regarding how to win Social Security disability benefits at any stage of the process, you need the advice of experienced counsel. Call Hermann Law Group, PLLC, a Hyde Park Social Security disability attorney, at (914) 286-3030.