Disability Lawyers in New York Discuss Claim Comparisons


Working with disability lawyers in New York may help strengthen your disability case. Your physician's opinion is also essential as the Social Security Administration often gives it controlling weight. Your claim may be limited by symptoms that are difficult to quantify. Some symptoms cannot be measured through objective diagnostic techniques. In such cases, a Social [...]

Disability Lawyers in New York Discuss Claim Comparisons2013-07-09T21:44:01+00:00

An SSD Attorney Westchester on Salary Calculations If a Claimant Is Still Working


Most who file for SSD are unable to work, but there is no regulation that prohibits a claimant from filing while continuing to work. There are, however, rules that are to be followed in the manner in which certain items typically included in a claimant’s total compensation are calculated for purposes of disability. Proof of [...]

An SSD Attorney Westchester on Salary Calculations If a Claimant Is Still Working2013-06-04T01:55:14+00:00

The Exam for Social Security Disability in Poughkeepsie NY


The SSD examiner or administrative law judge might want you to submit to further medical tests so that they can obtain more information about your condition. You should not be alarmed by a request for these consultative exams as they occur regularly. The following video will further explain the procedure of applying for  Social Security [...]

The Exam for Social Security Disability in Poughkeepsie NY2013-03-26T08:00:28+00:00

Disability Lawyers in New York Address Cystic Fibrosis and Social Security Disability


Cystic fibrosis is a respiratory disease that impacts the lungs and other organs, such as the pancreas. The disease causes thick mucus to form in the lungs, which increases chances for lung infections. Many sufferers experience symptoms such as breathing difficulties, heavy coughing, high blood pressure, pulmonary hypertension, and sleep disorders. Additionally, cystic fibrosis sufferers [...]

Disability Lawyers in New York Address Cystic Fibrosis and Social Security Disability2013-03-19T06:29:03+00:00

NY Social Security Disability Attorneys Explain Crohn’s Disease


Some medical conditions consistently limit your ability to carry out day-to-day activities. The symptoms are so severe that basic day-to-day tasks cannot be performed at all or without help. However, if you are suffering from a digestive disorder, your symptoms can fluctuate between severe and manageable days. For disability claims, this can be an issue in whether you [...]

NY Social Security Disability Attorneys Explain Crohn’s Disease2013-03-05T23:20:16+00:00

Disability Attorney in New York Discusses Congestive Heart Failure Social Security Claims


Even the most knowledgeable individual on disability benefits can have some level of difficulty navigating the Social Security process. How you go about approaching the application for disability benefits process will affect the approval of your Social Security disability benefits. You may want to reach out to a disability attorney in New York to help [...]

Disability Attorney in New York Discusses Congestive Heart Failure Social Security Claims2013-02-26T18:24:35+00:00

Complex Regional Pain in Social Security Claims


Complex regional pain syndrome is a rare condition with an origindoctors cannot completely explain. Most medical professionals believe that complex regional pain often occurs in an individual's limbs. Complex regional pain syndrome is a chronic condition that impacts your central nervous system. Some of the symptoms include burning or shooting pain, swelling, skin changes, bone and [...]

Complex Regional Pain in Social Security Claims2013-02-19T22:24:38+00:00

Proving You Can’t Do a Sedentary Job


If you are under 50 years old and applying for disability benefits, you will most likely need to prove that your medical impairment prevents you from performing most sedentary jobs. Even though it may be difficult to fulfill this criteria, you don't have to be completely bedridden to get your claim approved. If you have [...]

Proving You Can’t Do a Sedentary Job2013-02-05T19:23:40+00:00

Maintaining Long Term Disability Eligibility


Despite being unable to work, it is not unusual for long term disability claimants to find themselves doing battle with their insurance carriers over eligibility, and many require the services of New York long term disability lawyers to ultimately gain approval of benefits. For all disability recipients and especially for those who have fought hard [...]

Maintaining Long Term Disability Eligibility2013-01-01T00:00:43+00:00

What You Need to Know about Your Social Security Number


Everyone has a Social Security Number, but what do you really know about your number? New York Social Security disability attorneys explain why you need yours, when you need to provide it and when you don’t need to provide it. Why Were Social Security Numbers Created? The Social Security number (SSN) was initially created only [...]

What You Need to Know about Your Social Security Number2012-12-25T00:00:11+00:00

Conditions Qualified to Receive Long Term Disability Benefits: Part 2


  If a long term disability policy holder files a claim and meets all the initial eligibility requirements and the claim is not precluded by any exclusions or limitations expressly written in the policy, approval or denial will hinge on whether the insurance company makes the determination that the claimant is disabled under the policy [...]

Conditions Qualified to Receive Long Term Disability Benefits: Part 22012-11-13T01:31:44+00:00

Conditions Qualified to Receive Long Term Disability Benefits: Part 1


  There are many physical and mental conditions that may render an individual unable to work. However, for those filing a claim for long term disability benefits under an existing policy, it is the insurance company that makes the determination whether the claimant’s condition fits the definition of disability by its interpretation of the terms [...]

Conditions Qualified to Receive Long Term Disability Benefits: Part 12012-11-06T00:01:52+00:00

Helping Clients Recover Rightful Benefits


Working with the government to receive Social Security, disability, veterans or railroad retirements benefits can be difficult, particularly as the Social Security Administration (SSA) becomes more and more inundated with claims and applications from hopeful potential beneficiaries. If you are seeking assistance following an injury or would like help understanding the eligibility requirements for long-term [...]

Helping Clients Recover Rightful Benefits2012-10-23T19:48:42+00:00

Advice for Testifying at Your Social Security Disability Hearing


The thought of discussing your Social Security disability case before a judge could be so intimidating that you might be tempted to quit. However, a New York Social Security disability attorney can make the process smoother as they calm your fears about testifying. Look over this information for some ideas on how to prepare your [...]

Advice for Testifying at Your Social Security Disability Hearing2012-10-16T15:57:44+00:00

Keeping Your SSD Benefits


If you have been awarded Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, the Social security Administration (SSA) is required to periodically review your case to determine if you remain disabled. Known as the continued disability review (CDR), New York social security disability lawyers caution that if the SSA finds that you are able to work, your SSD [...]

Keeping Your SSD Benefits2012-10-09T02:00:47+00:00
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